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  Barrie Men's Hockey League Statistics    
You can use the select boxes below to see a variety of different statistical categories for all the players and teams in the Barrie Men's Hockey League. If you have any suggestions on something that we may not track but could please let us know so we can try to add it to our system.

You can click any team name to go to the team page or any player to go to that player's profile. Those pages will have more detailed stats for the given player or team.

If you have any questions about the statistics you can ask them in the forum topic created for the league statistics questions.

  Summer 2023 - Regular Season (C1 Division)  
19Noah MinnsMoose1116153124022.82
226Daniel ZwiersRenegades1224103403212.83
377Jeremy LindleyGoal Diggers89112002002.50
-27Wade StephensCanucks963962101.00
-77Hayden PhilipThe Shockers91241622021.78
-18Michael ObrienTaps91992842233.11
-79Taylor GordonBrewers10651102021.10
-88Josh BissonetteTaps108210202001.00
-55Justin MaddenMoose12471162000.92
-19Sam Degli AngeliCanada Wide1312102262031.69
1192James ConneryCanada Wide722441000.57
-18Dan HawnCanada Wide862821111.00
-11Austin DakanisThe Shockers8791601012.00
-61Bryce BoneBrewers911221000.22
-11Taylor UngerTaps913421000.44
-95Nicholas VitaleBrewers9213101000.33
-93Dylan RochaCanada Wide9549321011.00
-7Nolan TurneyThe Shockers10591481001.40
-29Carter LerouxMoose101041421011.40
-20John FinlayTaps111101181011.00
-11Isaac UrbachCanucks1123521000.45
-93BJ AdamsRenegades1120221000.18
-68Nathan HollowayHuntsmen (C)1162821000.73
-18Zach HellingsBrewers1243701000.58
-19Chris CampbellHuntsmen (C)128111921001.58
