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  Barrie Men's Hockey League Statistics    
You can use the select boxes below to see a variety of different statistical categories for all the players and teams in the Barrie Men's Hockey League. If you have any suggestions on something that we may not track but could please let us know so we can try to add it to our system.

You can click any team name to go to the team page or any player to go to that player's profile. Those pages will have more detailed stats for the given player or team.

If you have any questions about the statistics you can ask them in the forum topic created for the league statistics questions.

  Summer 2023 - Playoffs (C1 Division)  
2613Logan TuckerCanucks422400001.00
-4Johnny MorrisonMoose422441001.00
-4Jordan GuetterThe Shockers422400011.00
-2Steven SmithThe Shockers422401001.00
-89Vince GirimonteCanada Wide313400001.33
-12Noah MirandaCanada Wide313420001.33
-16Josh McLeanLittle Electric413420001.00
-7Nolan TurneyThe Shockers413400001.00
-10M.Biga-WadsteinGoal Diggers304400001.33
-52Ryan McLaughlinTaps504420000.80
3679Taylor GordonBrewers330320001.00
-91T.DegliAngeliCanada Wide330301001.00
-58Jeffery FluneyHuntsmen (C)330300001.00
-93Austin FutersGoal Diggers530361000.60
-59Tyson ClarkCanada Wide221300001.50
-18Nick McCarthyCanucks321300001.00
-11Thomas FarisHuntsmen (C)321300001.00
-18Derek ClarkLittle Electric421321100.75
-72Dustin RossiLittle Electric312340001.00
-92Joshua KeeHuntsmen (C)312300001.00
-4Michael AndersonCanada Wide312320001.00
-37Ian WebbHuntsmen (C)312300001.00
-11Isaac UrbachCanucks312340001.00
-9Keith MontgomeryCanada Wide312340011.00
-93Sam PinkMoose312320011.00
