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  Barrie Men's Hockey League Statistics    
You can use the select boxes below to see a variety of different statistical categories for all the players and teams in the Barrie Men's Hockey League. If you have any suggestions on something that we may not track but could please let us know so we can try to add it to our system.

You can click any team name to go to the team page or any player to go to that player's profile. Those pages will have more detailed stats for the given player or team.

If you have any questions about the statistics you can ask them in the forum topic created for the league statistics questions.

  Winter 2019-20 - Regular Season (B Division)  
127Shane ViccaryPfaff187172461101.33
213Matt BrownSluFoots14121628275032.00
377Jeremy LindleyPfaff209142301101.15
410Greg DykxhoornDoor Rangers19101323121001.21
-89Nick FrankeDG Murphy's183131601000.89
688Steve MitchellToe Dragons17111223242121.35
-22Ian WebbMattress Guys(C)1851217140010.94
818Taylor SchurmanToe Dragons16171128142041.75
-7Kyle HearnsSluFoots198111921041.00
-11TJ DaweDG Murphy's177111881131.06
-13Fab BaglioneGhostbusters166111721011.06
1244Haden HilesToe Dragons1220103045152.50
-4Dan WilcoxPfaff1991019301011.00
-12J.KloostermanDoor Rangers1981018121000.95
-15Andrew LavigneGhostbusters1881018141001.00
-7Mike MelecaHuntsmen (B)192101240000.63
1781Michael ObrienWinter Classics181592421111.33
-19Kyle MurphyGhostbusters201592421021.20
-91Jamie SwalesMeatbags191192040131.05
-27Tyler BurnsideGhostbusters17791660110.94
-19Dan KloostermanDoor Rangers19691520210.79
-67Chris GallGhostbusters19691500000.79
-14Charlie MckinlayDoor Rangers17291120100.65
-66Derick HogbenSluFoots1209940000.75
