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  Barrie Men's Hockey League League Info    
  Summer League    
League Details
The league will start the last week of April and will play on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights between 8:00pm and 11:00pm at the I.R.C. and Allandale. The league normally runs up to the 3rd week of August.

The league will consist of 15 guarenteed games including playoffs. We will be starting the first week of May and running through mid August. All dates will be finalized by April 12th.
Teams may be placed in the division we deem appropiate or moved if we feel you will be more competitive in the other division.
League Fees
The cost for a team entry this year will be $5600 incl HST. An individual registration will be $425 incl HST. You can pay by cheque, cash, email money transfer or credit card. If you have any question about the league fees, please contact us at info@barriemenshockey.com or the phone number listed below.
Games Times

** Please note that the majority of the your divisons games will be scheduled on the night listed below, however due to ice allocation your team might be scheduled on a different nights a couple times in the season.**

B Divison Tues & Wed 8, 9, 10pm (IRC and Barrie rinks)
C Divison Mon & Tues 8, 9, 10pm (IRC and Barrie rinks)
D Divison Wed & Thurs 8, 9, 10pm (IRC and Barrie rinks)
Innisfil Recreation Centre (IRC), Allandale Rec Centre

If you have any questions about the league don't hesitate to call the league number or send us an email both of which are listed below.
  Winter League    
Registration is now open for the Winter 2025/26 season. You can click on the registration image below or click here to get to the registration page.
League Details
The league will play on Monday through Friday nights between 7:00pm and 11:00pm at Innisfil/Barrie/Essa rinks.

The season will consist of 21 guaranteed games including playoffs(18 regular season and 3 playoff). We will be starting around the first week October and running through mid April where we have a year end tournament for the playoffs. All dates will be finalized by mid-September.
We will have A through D division. Teams may be placed in the division we deem appropiate or moved if we feel you will be more competitive in the other division.
League Fees
The cost for a team entry this year will be $7100 incl HST. An individual registration will be $525 incl HST. You can pay by cheque, cash, email money transfer or credit card. If you have any question about the league fees, please contact us at info@barriemenshockey.com or the phone number listed below.
Games Times

** Please note that the majority of the your divisons games will be scheduled on the night listed below if we have ice, however due to ice allocation your team might be scheduled on a different nights in the season.**

A Divison Thu & Fri 7 - 11pm (IRC/Barrie/Essa rinks)
B Divison Mon & Tue 7 - 11pm (IRC/Barrie/Essa rinks)
C Divison Mon & Tue 7 - 11pm (IRC/Barrie/Essa rinks)
D Divison Wed & Thu 7 - 11pm (IRC/Barrie/Essa rinks)
Innisfil Recreation Centre (IRC), Stroud Arena, Lefroy Arena, Holly Community Centre, East Bayfield Community Centre, Allandale Arena, Angus Arena, Thornton Arena