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  Player Profile - Claude Mallet    
Claude Mallet
Player Info
Seasons Played: 1
Total Games: 19
Rookie Season: Winter 2023-24
Overall Record: 15-4-0
First Game: Oct 4th, 2023 with Wanna Bees
First Point: Feb 2nd, 2024 vs Singles 2
First Goal: Feb 2nd, 2024 vs Singles 2
Last Team
Winter 2023-24
Wanna Bees
Past Teams
Wanna Bees

Below you can see the stats for Claude Mallet for this season as well as all the teams Claude has played for. Use the links below to get more details stats about the given catogory. Claude's league rank for each statistical catogory is provided for the current season only.

Click the button to the left to see the legend for the summary stats

  Career Totals - Regular Season  
Wanna Bees (W23)1511220000.13
Career Totals1511220000.13

  Career Totals - Playoffs  
Wanna Bees (W23)411221000.50
Career Totals411221000.50
